Configure Inter-VRF Redistribution Policies
Configure redistribution entries to allow a protocol to announce routes of a certain source type, for example, static, RIP, or direct.
Before you begin
Ensure the routing protocols are globally enabled.
You must configure the route policy, if required.
Ensure the VRFs exist.
You must create the route policy and prefix list under the source VRF context.

For an in-policy (RIP, BGP) or an accept policy (OSPF) using a route-map, if a particular route is not explicitly denied in the accept policy or in-policy with the route-map, then the route is implicitly allowed.
For an out-policy (RIP, BGP) or a redistribute policy (RIP, OSPF, BGP) using a route-map, even if a particular route is not explicitly allowed in the redistribution policy or out-policy with the route-map, then the route is implicitly denied.
In order to permit or deny only explicit routes, configure a policy with additional sequences, where, the last sequence permits all routes that are not explicitly permitted or denied.
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#config terminal
Log on to the VRF Router Configuration mode:
Switch:1(config)#router vrf test
Create the redistribution instance:
Switch:1(router-vrf)#ip rip redistribute ospf
Enable the redistribution
Switch:1(router-vrf)#ip rip redistribute ospf enable
Ensure that the configuration is correct:
Switch:1(router-vrf)#show ip rip redistribute
Exit to Global Configuration mode:
Apply the redistribution:
Switch:1(config)#ip rip apply redistribute ospf
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the redistribution commands.
Variable |
Value |
<bgp|direct|isis|ospf|rip|static|dvr> |
Specifies the type of routes to redistribute—the protocol source. |
vrf WORD<1-16> |
Specifies the VRF instance. |
vrfids WORD<0-512> |
Specifies a list of VRF IDs. |
vrf-src WORD<1-16> |
Specifies the source VRF instance. This parameter is not required for redistribution within the same VRF. |
Use the data in the following table to use the ip <bgp|ospf|rip> redistribute <bgp|direct|isis|ospf|rip|static|dvr> command.
Variable |
Value |
apply [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Applies the redistribution configuration. |
enable [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Enables the OSPF route redistribution instance. |
metric <metric-value> [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Configures the metric to apply to redistributed routes. |
metric-type <type1|type2> [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Specifies a type 1 or a type 2 metric. For metric type 1, the cost of the external routes is equal to the sum of all internal costs and the external cost. For metric type 2, the cost of the external routes is equal to the external cost alone. |
route-map <WORD 0-64> [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Configures the route policy to apply to redistributed routes. |
subnets <allow|suppress> [vrf-src WORD<1–16>] |
Allows or suppresses external subnet route advertisements when routes are redistributed into an OSPF domain. |